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02 Expertise
LUXURY 1. The state of great comfort and extravagant living. "He lived a life of luxury."
informalthe life of Riley: "we'll live in luxury"
"Right now a new car is a luxury that I can't afford." - quote
2. Something adding to pleasure or comfort but not absolutely necessary. synonyms: opulence, luxuriousness, magnificence, splendor, lavishness, the lap of luxury, a bed of roses;
Buying Strategy
The luxury media landscape used to be simple. It involved television, cinema, outdoor, print and radio. But then luxury consumers went ahead and started finding inspiration and shopping opportunities in places and at times that brands found puzzling.
conversations occurring across social media
Social media are not for influencers only. A recent NetBase report claims that luxury conversations occurring across social media channels increased by 75 percent year over year.

Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter are environments where street style, fashion zeitgeist and taste making are simultaneously shared and formed.
With fast-shifting patterns of wealth and a wide range of audiences interacting, accessing, borrowing and talking about luxury, this focus needs to broaden and reach not only to today’s but also tomorrow’s luxury consumer.
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